Of Walled Cities

Wed, Feb 7, 2024

I recently read an interesting story about Caleb who was among the 12 original spies (Numbers 13, 14) sent by Moses on a reconnaissance mission into Canaan. On their return, they carried evidence of the great abundance and provision in that land -clusters of grapes that were so huge that they took upon a pole between the two of them! It was a tremendous and unique land. They said it flowed with milk and honey!!

These 12 scouts had however never seen large, walled and fortified cities, having lived their childhood in Goshen of Egypt. They had never seen giants who made them look and feel like grasshoppers! They had never seen land that devoured its inhabitants!! They were filled with fear and apprehension and projected that fear to the rest of Israel.

You see, God had already spoken that He would send them to the Promised Land. He was present with them as a pillar of fire by night and a cloud by day- evidence of His presence in their journey. He was present as a cloud on the tabernacle and the Ark of the Covenant.

A couple of months before, Yahweh, had provided manna and fresh meat in the desert, water from a rock and made a highway in the middle of the Red sea. Yet in all these instances, they never had to arise in courage and move based on a word spoken through God’s servant, Moses. It was time to believe God for the impossible!

You see, at every step, God requires us to take an act of faith. Trust Him for new grounds and territories, fight old enemies at new levels and with new skills, take on new enemies and defeat them and after you have done all, that you stand and match to the promised land.

What are your fears? Are there stronger, fortified and bigger cities to conquer? Are there giants? Are walls of impossibilities standing your way? Is it a demanding boss? Is it a promotion or a marriage proposal that’s taking too long? Is it a problematic marriage? Is it a difficult child? Is it an ailment? Is it a financial crisis?

You could be at a cross-road, not knowing which way to turn. What you do now could determine how you spend the next many days. Had Israel known that their act of faith would spare them 40 years of a weary journey in the desert, they might have acted differently.

Only Believe! Only Believe! All things are possible. Only Believe!

Take courage and do the right. Believe! Trust God. Look to Jesus. Don’t forget that God has been faithful in the past. Draw your strength from Him and drink from the waters that never run dry. Make Him the center of your joy and strength. Call out for help.

He says in Jeremiah 33:3 (AMP)
Call to Me, and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things, fenced in and hidden, which you do not know (do not distinguish and recognize, have knowledge of and understand).


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